Big Changes Coming!


Hello Again! I know it has been a while since we’ve posted on here. If you follow us on social media you already know that we are adding a little bundle of joy to our family this fall. That means we have been a bit distracted of late. With announcing to our family and friends and then to the world. With this change to our family comes many other changes.

Thankfully, so far this has been a WONDERFUL pregnancy. I have heard so many stories about pregnancy being extremely rough for some. So this going so smoothly has been quite a pleasant surprise. Sadly though that means I don’t now have a plethora of tips and tricks on how to survive the first trimester of pregnancy. The only symptoms I experienced during my first trimester was the tiniest bit of queasiness before I learned to eat small meals about every two hours and a few more acne breakouts than normal. Oh and let’s not forget the two days that I went to bed at 6 pm only to wake again at 6 am because I was a bit more tired than normal.

Other than those three things though, I didn’t have any symptoms at all. And thankfully those symptoms were quite mild compared to what others have experienced. They were also very manageable with a few small changes to my daily habits. Like eating small frequent meals, washing my face daily with charcoal soap, and making sure to get plenty of rest.

More News!

Anyway, due to finding out our family is expanding caused us to take a step back from this blog. Mostly so that we wouldn’t accidentally spill the beans about our little bundle of joy. Also while we were focusing on our growing family, we started preparations for a new website. This new website is not to replace this one. Quite the opposite actually. This new website is going to allow me to take over as the main owner of this one while Justin puts most of his focus on the new site. Now that does not mean that we both will not be contributing to both sites. It just means that each of us will be more so focused on our own sites more than we are on the other’s site.

This also means that this site will be changing some. I’m not 100% on if we will keep the same type of post schedule that we’ve done in the past or not. I’m sure the content of the site will be changing its main focus as our family’s focus changes too. So hang on tight and let’s see where things go as we all change and grow together!

Thank you for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this and that it explains why we’ve been so quiet lately. Please be sure to follow us on social media so you know when we’ve not new posts available! Our newsletter plugin for the website doesn’t seem to be working right now so sadly those of you who have signed up to be notified when we have a new post up, are not receiving notification. Please be patient with us while we figure out how to fix this.

Please click here to check out our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Youtube. For more family-focused posts, click here. Again, thank you for reading! God Bless!